Don Strickland
Consulting Services
Working Together: Building a New Business Model
“Successful business model innovation is the result of carefully lining up all of a company’s resources behind one arrow, and then making it happen."
Don’s approach to business model innovation is based on a career of business model innovation experience including: the destruction of the “razor/razor blade” business of Kodak’s film business, Apple’s transition from being a high margin “box” company to a high value platform, changing the “shrink wrap” licensing model of his startup company to a “Software as a Service” model, and being a pioneer of the “Web 2.0” business model at his public company.
Business model innovation is all about approaching innovation from an "outside-in" perspective rather than the "inside-out" approach as commonly followed by most companies. Don focuses on creating value withan the relevant business ecosystem and how that value is captured through revenue, brand value, creating a platform and other modes of value capture. Through Strickland & Associates Don brings in experienced executives that are subject matter experts in specific market and technology areas to create a team that works with your team to discover new business model alternatives for your company.