Don Strickland
Innovation Outreach Conference, Seattle, Washington (100 top innovation executives)
“We wanted to hear from someone that had actually done it, not just written about it. We are glad we did!”
From Good to Great 3.0 Conference, Seoul, South Korea(600 top leaders and executives)
"A compelling new vision for how really great companies create really great lives that go and do really great good for society. An inspiration for a new philosophy of business."
World Business Forum, Monterrey, Mexico (top business leaders in Latin America)
“Don gave a keynote speech at Foro Mundial de Negocios 2013 to a packed audience of the top business leaders and entrepreneurs in Mexico. Don’s keynote on how to build a really great company was an inspiring and transforming event, causing us to look at our businesses and leadership styles with a new perspective. The feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly enthusiastic.”
Interactive Advertising Bureau Forum, Warsaw, Poland (leaders in interactive advertising across Eastern Europe)
“Don’s keynote to the IAB audience of over 800 of the most creative people in the industry was a great hit, and he was top rated. He was extensively covered in the local media and we have had many follow up requests for his presentation and additional information.”
Gartner Symposium ITexpo, Barcelona, Spain (1,000 C-level IT executives)
“Don’s speech was a hit of the conference. His views on how leadership needs to change, and change quickly, resonated with the audience, which came away with new insights on the challenges facing leaders and their organizations in The New World of Data.”
Danish IT Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark (200 top business executives)
“Don Strickland delivered a keynote speech which thrilled the audience of Danish C-level managers. Don’s many achievements, business insights and experience clearly stands out through his role and performance as a speaker. He delivers visionary food for thought on technology and business, which will appeal and be highly relevant to any audience of C-level management.”
The Thought Leaders Forum, Kampala, Uganda (500 business/government leaders)
“Former Apple executive wows CEOs at Thought Leadership Forum. Uganda has been privileged to share in the wisdom of one of the best brains in the world of global business.”
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference, Imperial College London (200 academic and business leaders)
“Don is an inspirational and engaging speaker. Expect to come away with insights on what drives your company's performance and your role in improving it.”
CEO Business Summit, Dubai, UAE (500 C-Level Middle East executives)
“Don was a top hit with the attendees and the feedback was in words like “inspiring and insightful.” One CEO commented that he had a “Why didn’t I think of that?” moment! The audience really appreciated hearing one CEO talk to another.”